Saturday, March 6, 2010


Where did the time go? It turned out that I did have injuries from the accident and had to go for treatments for 3 months. February we had a snow storm that left us with 22.5 inches of snow. Then three days later we had a blizzard that dumped another 20+ inches. It was beautiful. Unfortunately shoveling all the snow didn't agree with my recent back injuries, but I had help. Now, all the snow is melted, today it was 52 degrees. Spring is in the air! I should get my flower bulbs planted in the next couple days. We always get a cold snap the end of March. Spring cleaning? Hope I get motivated soon. So much to do. So little time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh my

I was in a car accident yesterday, everyone is ok. My car was the only casualty. Other than that I've had a head cold these past couple days, my nose is running all the time. I just hate that. All the peppers are done, and the summer lawn chairs and planters are just about all put away for the season. Just in time to start raking leaves. The temperatures are dropping, the jackets are emerging from the closets. I can't wait to start baking pies, pumpkin rolls, cookies, cakes and breads. Most of which end up being given to friends. I love going to my dearest friends to spend the day and cook dinner while they play games with the kids. After dinner we all play games and tell stories or watch movies. I cherish these friends and memories.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Never plan

Well, as I said, never make plans. I had intended on doing a few things the other day and only managed to get the printer set up. It's just like a new toy to a child. I just had to print this and print that. So that ended my to do list for Wednesday. Thursday nothing went right. With the frustration of not getting my to do list accomplished, I decided to spend time with my three dogs and give them baths. The first one went well, she was very good with her bath. The next one, well she isn't thrilled with the idea of the bath. As I start to wet her down, I notice an open sore on her throat. I get my daughter to finish the task while I call the vet. I had no idea she was injured. She has long hair and keeps to herself and wasn't acting as if she was hurt. It was after hours, so I left a message, and the vet returned my call. He informed me it wasn't an emergency, but wanted to see the dog in the morning. Well, without going into details, there was a problem with the wound and the vet advised this is a common situation and this was caught early. We left with instructions and medication to take care of the wound. Well, that ruined my day. I wasn't expecting to see all the details of the dogs injury. I was so proud of this puppy, she didn't whine, whimper or yelp. Saturday is another day, and I'm not planning anything. I'll deal with what ever happens, and hope for the best.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I have the yarn, and crochet hooks, and the patterns are in a file on my computer. I don't have a printer for the computer, so I went out and purchased one. Now the obstacle I have is where do I want to set it up? On the over crowded desk, or on a table? Needless to say I have my work cut out for me. Before I can do this, I have the last of my peppers to can or freeze. I also want to make some pies. Today will be a good day to bake because it is cold and rainy with up to 50 mph winds. I won't make any plans though, as my plans never work out the way I intend. So we will just take one step at a time and see how much gets accomplished.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

cool yarn

I found some pretty cool yarn today and I just had to buy it. It's chenille and a beautiful kaleidoscope print. It will make a beautiful warm scarf (or two). I also have a huge, 11oz skein of Rainbow Boucle-Black yarn that I want to use on a pattern for a shoulder shrug. I think it would look gorgeous! It was pricey, but the pattern is easy so it won't go to waste. It almost makes me want cold weather so I can work on these projects. I don't have the time now as there is too much yard work. Raking leaves, storing the summer lawn furniture and just getting ready for winter. Yuck. On the other hand I like baking in the fall and winter, that
makes the house smell wonderful and inviting. Gives you that sense of warmth and security.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Books on CD

I started listening to books on cd. I just started the series by Terry Goodkind, Wizard's First Rule. The basis for the new tv series Legend of the Seeker. I have watched the first season on tv, that captivated my attention. The book provides the small details needed to put the story together that you don't get from the tv episodes. I have "read" many books on cd. They are wonderful. I can put my cd player in my jacket pocket while I walk the dogs or mow the grass, even while I crochet. Love it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What I've been doing lately

Lately I've been checking into home remedies. Now that summer is over and the changing of the seasons mean colds and flu will be going around, I would much rather take preventitive measures that are natural. With this in mind I found a book at the library about the power of juicing. From boosting energy to curbing your appetite, to just making some great tasting juice combinations. My next addition to the kitchen will be a juicer.